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convert an ics file (exported from web calendar) as textual diary

  • sudo apt install python3-pip
  • pip3 install ics 
  • create the bash executable file, like this

se avete google

wget -O diario.ics https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/[remote path]/basic.ics
python3 convert-ics.py > /home/[local path]/local-file.md

se avete nextcloud

wget -O diario.ics https://ecloud.global/remote.php/dav/calendars/[vostra user(ad esempio la mail]/personal/?export --user=[il vostro user, come prima]--password=[la vostra password]

See also here.


embed database data in odt file

 the problem

In odt it is possible to insert some database data as fields in a odt file, but when you change data in phpmyadmin I get
1) a correct update in the data source view above the text,
2) not in the odt file (body: where are the fields): the fields texts remain unchanged, even after doing the command "update fields" (both from menu and from keyboard: F9, or shift+ctrl+F9).

a solution

A workaround is to use insert - section to insert a part of a php file via localhost.
  1. you will see in your odt file the content of the (section=div, of the) php file, as in the picture following:
    image description
  2. insert -> section -> link -> file name "http://localhost/[path]/[filename].php" -> section (the "id" name you have chosen in php file, i.g. inserting a <div id="biblio">[php/mysql code]</div> the section name will "biblio")
Of course, you must previously
  • activate a php/mysql server in local
  • and possibly have some knowledge of html/php source code.

avidemux too slow

It's better use (one of) the following codecs for encoding
  • x264
  • libavcodec MPEG-1/MPEG-2
  • libavcodec MPEG-4
  • Xvid 
so Avidemux will be able to optizmize the CPU usage and will be much faster. And the CPU temperature will be lower.

share (embedding) text between odt documents (librewriter)

Impossible use cross-reference or dde-link for more than a paragraph.
So the only way (to share more than a paragraph) are sections:
  1. define the area you want share in the file A as a bookmark;
  2. in the file B insert -> section -> as link - choose the file and the bookmark
  3. the text boormarked in A will be visible in B
It is not necessary a master document.


avoid b/w photos in librebase

You must set read-only the field of linked pictures, as in the image below:

problems with "locale"

In case of problems with locale (i.g. autokey not starting, or a file with non-latin characters not opening) you can try these commands
  • export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
  • export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8
  • sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales


calculate age from year of birth

There are two ways:

via php

## 2. in php
You can also use php code, as in the following way
(inspired from this page (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3776682/php-calculate-age), and _slighty modified_: 

    $dob ="$row[anno_nascita]";
    $age = date_diff(date_create($dob), date_create('now'))->y;
    echo "age: $age years

via mysql in phpmyadmin

1.do this sql query:
     select *,year(CURDATE())-year(anno_nascita) age from studenti__classi; 
2. save the result as view
3. and so you will have, in the view, the age (of your students, i.g.) that can work in LibreBase (to connect with that view).


insert a text as field from an odt to another odt

0. Avoid to copy more than one paragraph: in that case the whole original file will be insert in the destination file.
1. copy an area in original file
2, paste special in destination file (as DDE link)


convert big (text) pdf files to word

This website has converted a big (5mb) text pdf file to word in a very good way.


symlinks on fat32 devices

You can use posixovl:
  • install posixovl (i.g. via synaptic);
  • rename /sbin/mount-posixovl -> mount-posixovl.orig;
  • create a new mount-posixovl in sbin:

# wrapper for mount.posixovl to conform with common mount syntax
# with this wrapper posixovl can be used in fstab

# location of the original mount.posixovl

# gather inputs
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        if [[ "$1" == -* ]]; then
                # var is an input switch
                # we can only use the -o or -F switches
                if [[ "$1" == *F* ]]; then
                if [[ "$1" == *o* ]]; then
                        optsfuse="-- -o $1"
                # var is a main argument
                if [[ "$1" != -* ]]; then

# verify inputs
if [ "$sourcedir" == "" ]; then
        echo "no source specified"
        exit 1
if [ "$targetdir" == "" ]; then
        echo "no target specified"
        exit 1

# build mount.posixovl command
"$origposixovl" $optsF -S "$sourcedir" "$targetdir" $optsfuse

  • add to /etc/fstab something like this (depending on the name of your device):

LABEL=Basic\0402 /media/duns/basic2 vfat user,rw,noauto,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8 1 2
/media/duns/basic2 /mnt/e-reader posixovl noauto 0 0

  • create a script, like this:

wmctrl -c mount.posixovl.orig
mount /media/duns/basic2
mount.posixovl -F /media/duns/basic2 /mnt/e-reader
krusader --left /mnt/e-reader/ebooks --right /mnt/zippati/eBooks


view djvu files with okular

Add "okular-extra-backends" in Synaptic.


customize grub in KDE Neon

0) Avoid Grub customizer: absolutely useless.

1) You can modify /etc/default/grub uncommenting GRUB_THEME="/boot/grub/themes/breeze/theme.txt"

2) Then you can modify /boot/grub/themes/breeze/theme.txt: for example you can
  • add a background: adding, in # General settings, a line such as "desktop-image: "your-image-in-the-same-folder.png" (obviously you have to put, as root, that image into the folder);
  • reducing the height for menu items, in "+ boot_menu": "item_height = 15" (not: 33)
3) do "sudo update-grub"

fine tuning

a) you can change the screen resolution (in /etc/default/grub);
  • give this command "xrandr" in order to know the supported resolutions 
  • then uncomment/modify GRUB_GFXMODE="your desired resolution"
b) you can create your own pf2 font file, with grub-mkfont:
for example "sudo grub-mkfont --output=/boot/grub/fonts/DejaVuSans-10.pf2  --size=10 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf"

c) per installare nell'mbr
sudo grub-install /dev/sda

thermal monitor plasmoid not working

As explained here, if you have a bug in the thermal monitor plasmoid, to fix it you can change main.qml in .local/share/plasma/plasmoids as following (updated 22 feb 2020, adding ": []" after "property var systemmonitorAvailableSources"):

 * Copyright 2015  Martin Kotelnik
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import "../code/model-utils.js" as ModelUtils
import "../code/config-utils.js" as ConfigUtils

Item {
    id: main

    anchors.fill: parent

    property bool vertical: (plasmoid.formFactor == PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical)
    property bool planar: (plasmoid.formFactor == PlasmaCore.Types.Planar)

    property bool initialized: false

    // configuration
    property int temperatureUnit: plasmoid.configuration.temperatureUnit
    property string configuredResources: plasmoid.configuration.resources
    property int baseWarningTemperature: plasmoid.configuration.warningTemperature
    property int baseMeltdownTemperature: plasmoid.configuration.meltdownTemperature
    property int updateInterval: 1000 * plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval

    property int itemMargin: 5
    property double itemWidth:  0
    property double itemHeight: 0

    property color warningColor: Qt.tint(theme.textColor, '#60FF0000')
    property var textFontFamily: theme.defaultFont.family

    Plasmoid.preferredRepresentation: Plasmoid.fullRepresentation

    property double aliasFontSize: itemHeight * plasmoid.configuration.aliasFontSize * 0.01
    property double temperatureFontSize: itemHeight * plasmoid.configuration.temperatureFontSize * 0.01
    property double iconFontSize: itemHeight * plasmoid.configuration.iconFontSize * 0.01
    property double temperatureRightMargin: itemHeight * plasmoid.configuration.temperatureRightMargin * 0.01
    property double iconBottomMargin: itemHeight * plasmoid.configuration.iconBottomMargin * 0.01
    property bool enableLabelDropShadow: plasmoid.configuration.enableLabelDropShadow

    property var systemmonitorAvailableSources : []
    property var systemmonitorSourcesToAdd

    property int numberOfParts: temperatureModel.count

    property double parentWidth: parent !== null ? parent.width : 0
    property double parentHeight: parent !== null ? parent.height : 0

    property double widgetWidth: 0
    property double widgetHeight: 0

    Layout.preferredWidth: widgetWidth
    Layout.preferredHeight: widgetHeight

    property bool debugLogging: false

    function dbgprint(msg) {
        if (!debugLogging) {
        print('[thermalMonitor] ' + msg)

    onParentWidthChanged: setWidgetSize()
    onParentHeightChanged: setWidgetSize()
    onNumberOfPartsChanged: setWidgetSize()

    function setWidgetSize() {
        if (!parentHeight) {
        var orientationVertical = false
        if (planar) {
            var contentItemWidth = parentHeight
            var contentWidth = numberOfParts * contentItemWidth + (numberOfParts-1) * itemMargin
            var restrictToWidth = contentWidth / parentWidth > 1
            itemWidth = restrictToWidth ? (parentWidth + itemMargin) / numberOfParts - itemMargin : contentItemWidth
        } else if (vertical) {
            orientationVertical = true
            itemWidth = parentWidth
        } else {
            itemWidth = parentHeight
        itemHeight = itemWidth
        widgetWidth = orientationVertical ? itemWidth : numberOfParts * itemWidth + (numberOfParts-1) * itemMargin
        widgetHeight = orientationVertical ? numberOfParts * itemHeight + (numberOfParts-1) * itemMargin : itemHeight

    FontLoader {
        source: '../fonts/fontawesome-webfont-4.3.0.ttf'

    Image {
        id: noResourceIcon;

        anchors.centerIn: parent

        visible: temperatureModel.count === 0

        height: itemHeight
        width: height

        source: '../images/thermal-monitor.svg'

    ListView {
        id: listView

        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: widgetWidth
        height: widgetHeight

        orientation: !planar && vertical ? ListView.Vertical : ListView.Horizontal
        spacing: itemMargin

        model: temperatureModel

        delegate: TemperatureItem {}

     * One object has these properties: temperature, alias and other
    ListModel {
        id: temperatureModel

    Component.onCompleted: {
        plasmoid.setAction('reloadSources', i18n('Reload Temperature Sources'), 'system-reboot');

    onBaseWarningTemperatureChanged: {

    onBaseMeltdownTemperatureChanged: {

    onConfiguredResourcesChanged: {
        dbgprint('configured resources changed')

    function tryReloadSources() {
        if (!initialized) {
            dbgprint('applet not initialized -> no reloading sources')

    function getSystemmonitorAvailableSources() {
        if (!systemmonitorAvailableSources) {
            systemmonitorAvailableSources = systemmonitorDS.sources
        return systemmonitorAvailableSources

    function action_reloadSources() {

    function reloadAllSources() {

        dbgprint('reloading all sources...')

        var resources = ConfigUtils.getResourcesObjectArray()


        if (!systemmonitorSourcesToAdd) {
            systemmonitorSourcesToAdd = []

        if (systemmonitorDS.connectedSources === undefined) {
            systemmonitorDS.connectedSources = []

        if (udisksDS.connectedSources === undefined) {
            udisksDS.connectedSources = []

        if (nvidiaDS.connectedSources === undefined) {
            nvidiaDS.connectedSources = []

        if (atiDS.connectedSources === undefined) {
            atiDS.connectedSources = []

        systemmonitorSourcesToAdd.length = 0
        systemmonitorDS.connectedSources.length = 0
        udisksDS.connectedSources.length = 0
        udisksDS.cmdSourceBySourceName = {}
        nvidiaDS.connectedSources.length = 0
        atiDS.connectedSources.length = 0

        ModelUtils.initModels(resources, temperatureModel)

        for (var i = 0; i < temperatureModel.count; i++) {
            var tempObj = temperatureModel.get(i)
            var source = tempObj.sourceName

            if (source === 'group-of-sources') {

                dbgprint('adding group: ' + tempObj.alias)

                for (var childSource in tempObj.childSourceObjects) {

                    dbgprint('adding source (for group): ' + childSource)



            } else {




        initialized = true

        dbgprint('reloadAllSources() DONE')

    function addSourceToDs(source) {

        if (source.indexOf('udisks/') === 0) {

            var diskLabel = source.substring('udisks/'.length)
            var cmdSource = ModelUtils.getUdisksTemperatureCmd(diskLabel)
            udisksDS.cmdSourceBySourceName[cmdSource] = source

            dbgprint('adding source to udisksDS: ' + cmdSource)

            addToSourcesOfDatasource(udisksDS, cmdSource)

        } else if (source.indexOf('nvidia-') === 0 && nvidiaDS.connectedSources.length === 0) {

            dbgprint('adding source to nvidiaDS')

            addToSourcesOfDatasource(nvidiaDS, nvidiaDS.nvidiaSource)

        } else if (source.indexOf('aticonfig') === 0 && atiDS.connectedSources.length === 0) {

            dbgprint('adding source to atiDS')

            addToSourcesOfDatasource(atiDS, atiDS.atiSource)

        } else {

            dbgprint('adding source to systemmonitorDS: ' + source)

            if (getSystemmonitorAvailableSources().indexOf(source) > -1) {
                dbgprint('adding to connected')
                addToSourcesOfDatasource(systemmonitorDS, source)
            } else {
                dbgprint('adding to sta')



    function addToSourcesOfDatasource(datasource, sourceName) {
        if (datasource.connectedSources.indexOf(sourceName) > -1) {
            // already added
            dbgprint('source already added: ' + sourceName)

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
        id: systemmonitorDS
        engine: 'systemmonitor'

        property string lmSensorsStart: 'lmsensors/'
        property string acpiStart: 'acpi/Thermal_Zone/'

        onSourceAdded: {

            if (source.indexOf(lmSensorsStart) === 0 || source.indexOf(acpiStart) === 0) {

                var staIndex = systemmonitorSourcesToAdd.indexOf(source)
                if (staIndex > -1) {
                    addToSourcesOfDatasource(systemmonitorDS, source)
                    systemmonitorSourcesToAdd.splice(staIndex, 1)



        onNewData: {
            var temperature = 0
            if (data.value === undefined) {
                dbgprint('data for source ' + sourceName + ' not yet available')
            } else {
                temperature = parseFloat(data.value)
            ModelUtils.updateTemperatureModel(temperatureModel, sourceName, temperature)
        interval: updateInterval

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
        id: udisksDS
        engine: 'executable'

        property var cmdSourceBySourceName

        onNewData: {

            dbgprint('udisks new data - valid: ' + valid + ', stdout: ' + data.stdout)

            var temperature = 0
            if (data['exit code'] > 0) {
                dbgprint('new data error: ' + data.stderr)
            } else {
                temperature = ModelUtils.getCelsiaFromUdisksStdout(data.stdout)

            ModelUtils.updateTemperatureModel(temperatureModel, cmdSourceBySourceName[sourceName], temperature)
        interval: updateInterval

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
        id: nvidiaDS
        engine: 'executable'

        property string nvidiaSource: 'nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader'

        onNewData: {
            var temperature = 0
            if (data['exit code'] > 0) {
                dbgprint('new data error: ' + data.stderr)
            } else {
                temperature = parseFloat(data.stdout)

            ModelUtils.updateTemperatureModel(temperatureModel, 'nvidia-smi', temperature)
        interval: updateInterval

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
        id: atiDS
        engine: 'executable'

        property string atiSource: 'aticonfig --od-gettemperature | tail -1 | cut -c 43-44'

        onNewData: {
            var temperature = 0
            if (data['exit code'] > 0) {
                dbgprint('new data error: ' + data.stderr)
            } else {
                temperature = parseFloat(data.stdout)

            ModelUtils.updateTemperatureModel(temperatureModel, 'aticonfig', temperature)
        interval: updateInterval

    Timer {
        interval: updateInterval
        repeat: true
        running: true
        onTriggered: {



gdrive su dolphin

In Kubunti o Neon: 
sudo apt install kio-gdrive

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